Friday, 23 April 2010

Opinions on the blog?


  1. Hi guys, if and when you log in leave comments here as a trial first thread! try and make your own threads as well and let me know if you need special permissions or something like that!

  2. Hi Lefkos. This looks very good, well done. We can eventually make it look even more like ours site if we want, add images etc. I am just popping out now but will try a new thread later. Sara, maybe you could start a doggy poo thread!!

  3. This is great Lefkos and I would love to start a doggy poo thread but I can't seem to see how I can log in although obviously I am typing this having followed Lefkos's link but would like to be able to sign in with an alias name as I don't want dog poo being flung through my window!!?? Also I think people will be honest if they can be shown with an alias like on Facebook or any of the those other blog things! Can we do this or rather how do we sign?? otherwise brilliant.

  4. Ah ok when I went to post my comment it asked what I wanted to use so I guess I could make a new google account with different name?

  5. You should be able to have an alias, at the moment it says 'Sara' which you should be able to change to what you want in the settings. Also I have sent you, matthew, charlie and andrea permissions to be able to author your own threads...

  6. Well that's a bit more like it! Sorry if I am sounding stupid but what do you mean author my own threads??

  7. i mean you can start a new discussion, this one is called 'opinions on the blog' but could have a new one called 'views on landscape proposals' for example!

  8. hi Lefkos...can I have permission to start new threads too good is this!!!
    love to all xxx

  9. We could always host a "Using your BLOG" session at the SHELL Centre.
